Attention Business Owners!

If you’re running a fleet of vehicles, wedding cars, garage or servicing centre, or if your business uses any kind of engine or machinery with moving parts that has an oil reservoir/coolant system, then our nanotechnology products can help you to:

What our products offer:

Reduce costs of fuel
Reduce costs of maintenance
Keep your vehicles/equipment operational for as long as possible
Remove car paint scratches
Help maintain your company reputation (reliable, smooth running, scratch free vehicles)
Provide an additional revenue stream for point of sale at garages etc

Sound good?

Why not give our products a try?

The *range of industries our products can help is wide, so feel free to contact us with your requirements and we’ll give you our recommendations and a personalised, no obligation quote.

Sound good?

Take a look at our case studies and our hundreds of positive reviews.

Industries our products can help

*Cars, taxis, classic/wedding cars, limousines, vans, lorries, buses, coaches, tractors and farm equipment, boats, lawnmowers, factory machinery… curious whether it would work for your business?

Turn your old car new!